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Els Ackerman Loopbaanplanning
richting geven aan je carriè€re
Je bent toe aan een nieuwe baan, maar hoe plan je dat? Hoe vind je een carriè€re die echt bij jou past? Loopbaanplanning helpt jou in die zoektocht, en zorgt met behulp van nuttige tips, handige oefeningen en voorbeelden uit de praktijk voor een beknopte handleiding. Herken je goede en slechte kwaliteiten en zet je eerste stapjes in de richting van een nieuwe toekomst, in welke fase van je leven je ook bent. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | 176 pagina's (ePub2, 0,5 MB) | Spectrum, Houten | 2013
Business planning for digital libraries
international approaches
This book brings together international experience of business planning for digital libraries: the business case, the planning processes involved, the costs and benefi ts, practice and standards, and comparison with the traditional library where appropriate. Although there is a vast literature already on other aspects of digital libraries, business planning is a subject that until now has not been systematically integrated in a book. Digital libraries are being created not only by traditional libraries,...
Engels | 250 pagina's (PDF, 4,3 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2013
Jaap Peters | Mathieu Weggeman The rhineland way
reintroducing a European style of organisation
The Rhineland Way was French philosopher Michel Albert s proposed answer to the Anglo-American style of market capitalism that spread across the globe after the demise of Communism in the early 1990s. Today, in the wake of recent scandals and the crisis in the banking industry, this alternative is more viable -- and more needed -- than ever before. What does the Rhineland Way mean on a practical, day-to-day working level? How can we infuse our organisations and working processes with a little Rhineland...
Engels | 34 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Business Contact, Amsterdam | 2013