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Bart Voet | Esmé Bos De mooiste wiegeliedjes van hier en elders
Kennismaking met slaapliedjes uit Afghanistan, Turkije, Marokko, Italië en nog meer landen. Met teksten van dertien wiegeliedjes in de betreffende talen. De liedjes zijn, met rustige begeleiding, te beluisteren via een QR-code of website. Met grappige kleurenillustraties van slapende en musicerende dieren. Vanaf ca. 0 t/m 4 jaar.
niet gecodeerde talen | 24 pagina's | Davidsfonds Infodok, Antwerpen | 2019
Gedrukt boek
Virtues for the people
aspects of Plutarchan ethics
Plutarch of Chaeronea, Platonist, polymath, and prolific writer, was by no means an armchair philosopher. He believed in the necessity for a philosopher to affect the lives of his fellow citizens. That urge inspired many of his writings to meet what he considered people's true needs. Although these writings on practical ethics illustrate in various ways Plutarch's authorial talents and raise many challenging questions (regarding their overall structure, content, purpose, and underlying philosophical...
niet gecodeerde talen | 320 pagina's (PDF, 1,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Paganism in the Middle Ages
threat and fascination
Interdisciplinary study of pagan culture from late antiquity to the emergent Renaissance. In this volume the persistence, resurgence, threat, fascination, and repression of various forms of pagan culture are studied in an interdisciplinary perspective from late antiquity to the emergent Renaissance. Contributions deal with the survival of pagan beliefs and practices, as well as with the Christianization of pagan rural populations or with the different strategies of oppression of pagan beliefs. The...
niet gecodeerde talen | 250 pagina's (PDF, 11 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017